
Jeremiah to launch Christian clothing line


In an interview with Showbiz, Jeremiah stated that Grace Glitters is a Christian clothing line focusing mainly on clothing, footwear and headwear. The motive is to display the gift that she believes is God given, through the art of fashion. The launch is themed ‘A King (Influential) and a Priest (Spiritual) - the best of both’. She said that the whole essence is to bring an understanding of the two dimensions in the Christian faith. She elaborated that her brand is all about the beauty of God’s grace directed to humankind.

“I was inspired by my passion for fashion and raised by a mother who loved clothing hence I have always been surrounded by the stench of fabric,” she said. She stated that she was raised the Christian way therefore believes in dominion, success and prosperity in all aspects of life. “I believe that we all have purposes and part of it is not only to nurture our spiritual sides but also be influencers, whether in church, workplaces and schools,” she said.

The dedicated young lady added that the support has been incredible and different people from different backgrounds are embracing the brand.

“The support is mainly from family, friends, Christians and non-Christian communities even international,” she said. She said that a lot of people love her products without even asking what the brand is all about. She said her biggest challenge is access to local media to advertise the brand as well familiarise people with the launch since it is still new.

“It is the first time to host an event of this magnitude though I have assisted in organising such events,” she added. She believes that the launch will bring a mind shift in the things that concern market place.

She concluded that in the future the brand is planning to host a lot of activities and events that will bring people together and help them unleash their full potential, especially business wise.

The guest speaker is a renowned entrepreneur Lentswe Tlhogo who is based in neighbouring South Africa. According to Jeremiah, he is expected to bring a wealth of wisdom in the business cycle.