Local businessman arrested in Rwanda

Reports are that the man (known to this paper) appeared for mention last Thursday but it is not yet clear whether the Rwandan authorities will allow him to travel home.

Sources close to the businessman allege that he was arrested in connection with a bank transaction involving hundreds of thousands of Dollars.

While some officers at the Serious Crime Squad say that they have heard the unconfirmed reports, none of them was prepared to confirm the arrest.

'Yes I have heard about the arrest from some people but we do not have any official report in our office,' one senior officer said.

However, Officer Commanding for Interpol Botswana, Uta Seretse said he has not received any information on the arrest of a Motswana in Rwanda. 'If there was any such arrest I would be having that information right now,' he said.

Botswana has no mission in Rwanda and our attempts to get a comment from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation did not bear any fruit, as the public relations office's phones rang un-answered yesterday.