BOSETU hosts colourful cultural night


The cold and wet night slowly warmed up as guests came in either pairs or small groups looking smashing in their cultural attire  and a variety of beautifully designed clothes. Women were more especially looking their best as they brightened the night with their colourful dresses.  Most of those clothes were tailored with 'German Print'; some of them wore matching scarves around their heads.  Men also looked gorgeous in their suits and added a bit of flavour to their attires with their leather knit hats.

Rebaone Joel Keitumele also known as  Ntsoro, was the director of ceremony.  His bag of jokes, being the comedian that he is, kept the guests entertained on the night.  Ntsoro who was accompanied by his wife who was dressed in a blue 'German Print' dress made a joke about leaing his career of being an MC and television presenter for parliamentary membership.

He joked about how he will address the parliament imitating some of the popular members of parliament.  During the night he imitated most of local icons such as the President, kwaito kwasa star, Vee and other local celebrities.

Nomsa Mbere, chairperson of Botswana Cancer Association (CAB) and the founder of Y-Care Association gave an inspirational speech about culture.  She talked about life in the olden days and how culture has united and molded Batswana into a respectful and better people.

BOSETU choir that is made up of teachers gave an exciting and brilliant performance, which left many stunned.

Those who knew the songs sang along as the choir delivered  their sweet melodies.  They sang songs such as 'Khoere Ke A E Rata, Re Leboga Modimo and Sefefo'.  The organisation's traditional troupe also gave superb performances as they sang and danced.

'Who could have known that our teachers are that talented?' Ntsoro said after the two performances.  'We learn from our teachers and they are the ones who nourish the talent that we have.'

Amongst the brilliant performances was a group from South Africa Mosekaphofu.  The group performed during dinner but people could not resist the beautiful delivery by the choir.  Amongst them was a heavily built dancer who showed the audience that weight does not matter as she shook and jumped showing off her  amazing dance moves.  The group sang songs such as 'Khoba, Thokolosi and Bangwaketse'.

Local traditional music icon, Ditiro Leero, also gave the audience a beautiful performance. 

The artist who performed alongside his troupe, Makwakwa gave 'Mosekaphofu' tough competition.  Ditiro's female and male dancers gave their all to the audience, proving that indeed they are excellent in this genre.

The long awaited Shanti Lo performed right at the end.  The jazz singer with a sensational voice left ladies melting as he blew them away with his dignified moves and performance.