Streetlights for CBD still in the pipeline

The assistant minister of Local Government, Vincent Seretse, said the reason they have not installed streetlights at the CBD is because of the realisation that undeveloped and unoccupied areas are prone to vandalism.

'However, considering the fast pace of the developments that are taking place at the CBD, street lighting would be proposed as a priority project in the next mid-term review,' he said.

Seretse was responding to Tati West MP, Charles Tibone, during a parliamentary question-answer session on Thursday.  Tibone wanted to know if Seretse was aware that the absence of streetlights had turned CBD into a cesspool of criminal activity at night.

He said some of the sewer lines in the area are overflowing as manholes had been vandalised and were posing a danger to pedestrians.

He also wanted to know if the original CBD master plan of the government's intention to make the area a centre for business, commerce, culture and recreation still stands.  Seretse affirmed that the intention is still the same.

He added that the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources was aware of the vandalised manholes and overflowing sewage at the CBD. 'The CBD sewer lines are partly operational due to the ongoing construction works.'

According to Seretse, the Water Utilities Corporation is planning on replacing the manhole covers that had been vandalised with less vulnerable cement manhole covers.  'In addition, regular sewer line inspections will be conducted to monitor the situation.'