Troika resolution: A double-edged sword

Political analyst Alexander Rusero said Mugabe had nothing to lose because he will retain his position in the period leading to elections, but Zanu PF officials who were looking for a post- Mugabe era would be devastated by the Sadc decision.

Mugabe, who in the past has repeatedly said he wanted elections this year, was dealt a blow by the regional bloc when it ordered the full implementation of reforms before elections were held. Earlier, Mugabe had dispatched high-powered delegations throughout the region to garner support for his position ahead of the summit held in Luanda, Angola last Friday.

Sadc ordered that GNU parties finalise the constitution making process, subject it to a referendum and with the assistance of the South African facilitation team develop an implementation mechanism with time frames to the electoral road map.

'For Mugabe, the decision will not affect him but for those within Zanu PF hoping for a post- Mugabe era, it is a blow. Zanu PF is in a quandary over the Sadc resolution. It will add more problems to Zanu PF who have no other viable candidate except Mugabe,' Rusero told NewsDay yesterday.

'Before the inclusive government, Mugabe had the power but lacked international recognition. The fact that Mugabe did not call for elections and opted to go on a diplomatic offensive show how important Sadc is to him.

Mugabe has realised that he can no hold Sadc at ransom.' Political analyst Ibbo Mandaza said the Sadc resolution was welcome news to Zanu PF because their call for elections was merely 'political grandstanding, not genuine'.

'Zanu PF does not like elections and the Sadc resolution comes as good news to them,' Mandaza said.However, Zanu PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo said there was nothing new on what Sadc said only that there was an emphasis on expediting reforms with timeline.

'As Zanu PF we have made it clear that we want elections as soon as possible. Reforms can be done within the remaining seven and it is still possible that elections can be held this year. 'If we fail to agree on the new constitution through a referendum, we will go to the elections using the old constitution,' Gumbo said.

The two MDC parties however said it was a positive move towards restoring peace and stability in the country.(News Day)