Pheto's credo to give but simply the best


When one sees Pheto on TV, it's easy to admire his charisma, talent and charm as he oozes self-confidence but little do they know that this 20-something-year-old suffered a great deal when he lost his mother at a tender age in 2002, this did not derail him but instead taught him a valuable lesson in life that he must be a shining example to both his peers and elders and overcome any rough situation put before him - and indeed he has.

Born in Gaborone, Thuto says he grew up in different neighbourhoods of the city that he strongly feels made him the man he is today. He is quick to point out that the different experiences and people he has met have mostly taught him the most valuable lessons of life that he will forever be grateful for.  'I learnt from a young age that there are no shoes one has to fill except their own and all one has to do is to make sure that they have the right sizes. In other words one has set their own path, but making sure it's one that can be of benefit to others as well.

Even though his childhood dreams were to be a doctor or lawyer, it is music that paved the way for the young lad. His music career dates back to 1999 when he was still a young boy in primary school; his older brother asked him to be part of a hip pop group he wanted to start. Thuto jumped at the offer and little did he know that this was the career that would turn him into a household name. 'My brother Thabiso was a collector of classic hip hop audio cassettes, and he taught me well to an extent that my writing and performing skills matured in a short period of time.  Music grew into more of a passion for me as I fell in love with it,' he says with a smile.

Upon discovering his passion, Thuto decided to join the Sprite What's Your Thirst Show in 2004,which was then the litmus test for hip hop talent locally, he managed to get second place at the finals where he met up with DJ Khenzo who introduced him to the country's top producers Eric Ramco, Earth Prez Beats and Goof.  Within weeks, the group 'Magosi' which Pheto was part of was birthed and they were signed under Eric Ramco records, the group is famously known for their hit single Move ,with the attained success of the single and its video the album Thuto Le Thobo was released and it critically acclaimed multiple successful singles.

After Magosi went on hiatus Pheto started a series of web viral and freestyles called Melo Raps which have also been met with positive reaction and he assures Arts & Culture that he is currently working on his first solo album. Lately we have not been seeing the young talented rapper on stage and he is quick to point out that his time away from the stage is deliberate as it came after the group Magosi decided to take a break from the music scene.

'This has enabled me to focus on my solo career and the material I am working on, I took a whole year to redefine and recreate my style as an individual artist and the good news is that 2013 will be the year I finally release my own material,' he highlights. Many were shocked but definitely impressed upon seeing Thuto on their TV screens as their new presenter for Prime Time Life, 'someone suggested that I go audition for the show after Gugu left it.  I did it with other hopefuls and then went over an interview and after some gruelling time waiting, I finally got the call that I'd been selected as the show's new male presenter and I can't put it into words just how ecstatic I was,' he says.

Like every other person out there, Thuto says he has always wanted to be on TV as he has always had a passion for music and performance because it includes having to engage your audience with what you are doing and captivating them enough for them to believe in what you are doing. 'But I have to admit that I have never imagined being a presenter until the point when I was called to audition,' he says.

He says being on the show has now helped him be a better public speaker, 'I don't get as nervous as I used to get and I believe I have become a better performer, so presenting is also benefiting my music career,' he says. The interviews he conducts have also helped him to understand different kinds of people and mostly taught him to be tolerant and patient.  Pheto says what sets him apart from other presenters is that he brings a new, healthier and fresher perspective to his presenting.'I had to fill the big shoes that Gugu left as he was a seasoned presenter while me on the other hand I had never presented and this worked to my advantage as I brought a new vision to the show,' he points out.

His most embarrassing moments on TV were mostly in his first year of presenting, he remembers that at the time he did not know all the names of MPs and renowned politicians nor their duties, he also says he couldn't do on-the-spot links in front of big crowds without messing up lines, sometimes he was not sure what to even ask people but now all these things are a thing of the past as he has out grown all of them.

Pheto says he is grateful for the tremendous support, advice and practice he has been receiving from friends, family and acquaintances 'to make it this far in my life'.