Mooketsi slams BDP over exams

Mooketsi said the results have caused irrecoverable spiritual, intellectual, psychological and academic damage. 'With our education system in crisis, our children's future and the future of this country are doomed with ghastly repercussions to contemplate,' he said.

He stated that the Youth League is calling on the Executive Secretary of Botswana Examination Council, Teaching Service Management and the Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary to resign alongside 'the 48-year-old BDP government of the conservative, reactionary, tribalistic, clan, family dynastic, autocratic and stratocratic feudal to do the honourable thing and resign'.

Mooketsi said the demand for BDP to quit power is motivated by the basic philosophy, ideological vision, historic political mission, core moral conscience and values, ethical and altruistic guiding principles and ideals. 'For it is these that differentiate, inform, define, interpret and guide us in the formulation of our social democratic programme and policies on socio-economic, cultural and educational; scientific and technological design.

'Premised from here we proceed and we see our youth and the poor rejected 13-year-old Batswana children in particular, as the most critical determinant human resource, objects and subjects in our country,' he said. He said the BDP must be severely punished because its education system is a political indictment. 'Our people are the theoretical and practical human resource embodiment of our nation's wealth, values and benefits,' he said.

He added that the human resource creates socio-economic material, spiritual and intellectual wealth through collective physical and mental labour power. 'For BNF, education is a process of systematic conditioning, moulding, nurturing, socialisation and integration of our youth into the system of our culture and values that make our natural heritage,' he said.

He accused the BDP of being utterly idiotic of such perception and concept of education. He said the education system in Botswana is selective and characterised by rejection. He said students performed poorly in JCE exams because the BDP government has demoralised the teaching profession with its refusal to meet and satisfy teachers' demands and equip schools with adequate facilities.