The problem with 'Mayan end-time'

But Africa is where it all began according to most anthropologists; it is the cradle of humankind. If so, why shouldn't the continent also hold secrets relating to mankind's demise? Indeed, in his newly-released e-book They Came From the Sky (available at his new website, Botswana author and researcher L.

M. Leteane, 48, unveils many concrete examples of how Sotho-Tswana, an overlooked southern African language, along with its now-half-forgotten legends, holds the key that will rewrite history and retell the story of mankind from the beginning to the present. And that includes 'the most correct interpretation of the so-called Mayan Prophecy' which he duly explains in his website blog page.

So central is this language-and-legend key to this author's work that without it he doubts that he would have ever unscrambled as much information. Fantastic as it may sound, with this new understanding we demonstrate how most ancient texts can now be more accurately re-translated, revealing more in them than was deemed possible.

Indeed, most people only know of 'Ma' or 'Mama' (mother) as the one word that comes closest to suggesting that there was once a single proto-language, before it was all mixed up. Throughout this book, however, we show that there are many, many more such words- words that cut across almost every language in the world, and we duly summarise a few very important ones in the glossary of his e-book.

But what has all this to do with the Mayan Prophecy, the burning question of our time? Unraveling the world's proto-language is, alone, very interesting indeed-but the details of it are best left to linguists and etymologists to analyse and see for themselves, some say. What really makes this book interesting is that we were able to revisit Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Vedic and South American mythologies, re-interpret their diction using the Sotho-Tswana key, and then work out the complete, cohesive history of mankind in a way never possible before. This is the story we wish to tell the world-and it includes the world's first correct unraveling of the Mayan Prophecy. Most people do not realie how well-travelled Africans were in ancient times. The famous Olmecs of South America-who most anthropologists agree founded the first great civilisation there-were definitely African as the huge sculptures depicting their helmeted heads clearly show. This is the African link that enabled us to unscramble many misinterpreted Mayan words...words that are still very understandable in modern Sotho-Tswana!

Legend says that the Olmecs came over with the Egyptian Wisdom-god Thoth whose 'Feathered-Serpent' symbol was revered through the ancient world (and now the universal symbol for medicine and healing). In South America, this Feathered-Serpent god became known as Quetzalcoatl.  Regarding Africa, that is not all. In the 'Case of the Cocaine Mummies' two highly-respected women scientists, Michelle Lescot and Svetlana Balabanova, each got into deep trouble with 'mainstream' scholars when they reported, independently and 15 years apart, having found traces of tobacco (and even cocaine) inside the mummified body of Egyptian pharaohs. The problem for scholars was that these pharaohs lived centuries before Columbus sailed westward...thereby suggesting cross-Atlantic travel by an ancient African power. Indeed, before Columbus' time, these plants were ostensibly unknown to Europe as they only grew in the Americas.

There are several more such international footprints of Africans. Regarding Thoth himself: why he left Egypt and Mesopotamia (Babylon) in 3110 BC; why he celebrated Nemes/Menes' overthrowing of Marduk-Ra in 3113 BC with the start of the Mayan calendar; how he was defeated by Tezcatilpoca Huitzilpochtli (recognizable Sotho-Tswana epithets) is, we acknowledge, a story reasonably well-understood by most experts. But there are many extremely important elements that everyone has missed...and these cumulatively show why the true Mayan 'End-time' is 3369 AD, not 2012 AD. Unfortunately, the whole story cannot be unraveled without some understanding of Sotho-Tswana-coupled with other significant discoveries we have made.

What makes Sotho-Tswana so close to the world's proto-language? Why do many Sumerian tablets read just like Sotho-Tswana and no other language in the world.  In our e-book, and in our weekly newspaper column Digging Tswana Roots, we have conclusively shown that the Sotho-Tswana group-along with other Bantu groups-was expelled from Egypt circa 2048 BC, taking her now-forgotten language with it. And since they evidently took a more westerly route than others, through Cameroon and via Congo, they experienced less of the cosmopolitan influences that characterized the eastern coast of Africa.

What we must remember is that it was actually indigenous African scribes who wrote down the legacies of most pharaohs...and many such pharaohs were invaders who could not even speak the vernacular. Some of their 'praise-names' (when properly understood) were actually very rude and tongue-in-cheek. Indeed, many Sotho or Tswana speakers laugh in delight when I show how many Egyptian and Sumerian words they thought were foreign were actually very understandable to them. The problem is that Africa's indigenous population has been conditioned to accept that they will never produce ground-breaking discoveries, ones that can alter perceptions the world over.

The Mayan Prophecy, can only be understood through Quetzalcoatl, their beloved god who started off their Calendar. While Christians and Muslims continue to await the second coming of Jesus Christ-and the Baha'i on the other hand say that this event has already occurred in 1844 AD with the coming of Bahaullah-the Mayans and many other South Americans still await the return of their beloved god Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl, who is also the Egyptian Wisdom-god Tehuti (Thoth), had cryptically promised them that he would return on 'the 13 instance of my magic number'. Thoth-Quetzalcoatl's 'magic number' is actually 52. But since the Mayan calendar ends abruptly on its 13th Baktun, many thought that this was the 'magic number' he was referring to...a number he also used often.

What is a Baktun? It is a period of 144,000 days-a number or figure also associated not only with those to be saved at the 'end of time', but also with the number of blocks used in building the Great Pyramid of Giza. The name 'Giza' is a pointer to who the builder or great architect is. It is Thoth himself, whose Sumerian name was Ningishziddha, and 'Giza' is a further abbreviation of Gizzida, how he was affectionately called. As the Divine Architect, he is reputed to have built the three greatest pyramids of Egypt. Scholars have interpreted his return to come by the end of 13 of these Baktuns, which gives 1,872,000 days, and they therefore divided this by 365.25 days to make 5,125 years. They added this figure to the calendar that began on 3113 BC, and the date became 2012 AD.

The Mayans, however, must have had a different method of calculation (or they were being merely anxious) because a meeting was even convened in 763 AD to attempt to figure out why their beloved god had not yet returned...

Now, let me add my own interpretation of this mystery.  It seems to me that the date of 2012 AD is valid-but not correct. There are yet other levels to this. The first such level, as pointed out by author Zechariah Sitchin, is that the correct length of one Tun is 360 days (although Mayans were aware that the solar year is 365.25 days). This means the 13 Baktuns (1,872,000 days) is now divided by 360 days to become 5200 years-100 lots of Thoth's 'magic number'. When added to 3113 BC, the new date becomes 2087 AD. The second level is one even Sitchin did not to take into account: what Thoth really meant when he said on 'the 13th instance of my magic number'. As pointed out, Thoth-Quetzalcoatl's 'magic number' is actually 52. Accordingly, my own analysis is as follows: to 2087AD, we must add 13.846 lots of 52 years, and we have 720 additional years that take us from 2087AD to 2807 AD.

The figure of 720 contains 13 (almost 14) complete lots of 52-just as Thoth had said!  Interestingly, since the Earth moves one degree every 72 years (or 360 degrees every 25 920 years), 720 x 360 = 259,200...the number of 10 zodiacal cycles!

To this we add the final piece. This relates to his departure date of 562 BC-which is 562 years to the end of an era, or to the new Pieces Age: O AD.  O AD is also an 'end-time' because a new calendar was to begin from there.When we add 562 years to 2807 AD, the new and final date is 3369 AD. Per the table provided, this date happens to coincide with the next 'End Days'. It marks the next return of comet Marduk!  Thoth was thus telling the Mayans that he will only return at the 'end-of-time'! This may of course be literal-or a cryptic way of saying: 'I'll never return'.

* L.M. Leteane is a self-published author and independent researcher residing in Gaborone, Botswana. His e-books, including They Came From the Sky (288 pages, US$12.50), are available at his website