Relatives bay for herd boy's life

Boitumelo Dibaga, 36, allegedly killed his girlfriend, Oduetse Gakelekhute on January 13, 2013 in the fields on the outskirts of Zoroga village in the central district.

The state prosecutor Leselo Toboka told court that he feared for the life of the man following the alleged murder of his girlfriend. Toboka told senior magistrate Thebeetsile Mulalu that the incident has incensed relatives of the deceased and members of the public who are baying for Dibaga's blood.

'Since the incident happened, we have discovered that people in the village are boiling with rage.

'We fear that relatives of Gakelekhute and the public may end up taking the law into their own hands if the accused is granted bail,' Toboka said, when applying for the accused to be remanded in jail. He also told court that investigations into the matter are fresh and still continuing. He added: 'The body of the deceased is still at the mortuary awaiting postmortem.' Mulalu acceded to the request of the prosecution and remanded the accused in custody for his own safety.