North West prepares to host anti-poverty workshop


Bernadette Malala told Mmegi this week that preparations for hosting the three-day event on small micro-orientated poverty reduction strategies are at an advance stage. She said committees have been set up to handle the expected 1,000 participants from places such as Okavango, Ngami, Maun, Phuduhudu and Somelo.

 'So far we have formed subordinate committees that form part of the usual District Development Committee and they are logistics, catering, accommodation, transport, publicity, invitees and protocol, budget (that will oversee the expenditure and allocation of payments) incurring from the organisation of the workshops,' she said.

She explained that they have formed an oversight committee that comprises top officials from the district. 'Other departments that are involved in this exercise are Botswana Power Corporation, Botswana Defence Force and Water Utilities Corporation,' said Malala.

She said they have identified three areas where they will accommodate the delegates who will include the President, cabinet ministers, permanent secretaries and state officials from Namibia.