Masisi starts premature campaigns?

Reports indicate that aspirants for council and parliamentary seats are clandestinely campaigning in Francistown with legislator Tshelang Masisi leading the charge. The Francistown West MP is said to have joined the bandwagon of Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) members who are positioning themselves for the party primaries even before the date for electioneering.Sources close to Masisi this week revealed that his campaign team, made up of Kanana ward councillor, Ace Ntheetsang and local traditional music artist, Ontiretse 'Nthinthe' Bakaile has already begun mobilising voters in the constituency.

Bakaile, a popular BDP activist is reported to be interested in contesting the primaries for the Botsalano council seat.Botsalano and Kanana are in Francistown West.Last Friday evening, Masisi and his campaign team members reportedly met in Monarch West to draw up campaign plans. The MP is said to have started early campaigns because he is wary of the threat posed by Monarch South councillor and former mayor, Ignatius Moswaane. Last week, the civic leader was accused of prematurely campaigning in the constituency. He has stated that he will contest the parliamentary elections in Francistown West. Reports say Whyte Marobela and Angelinah Sengalo have also shown interest in the parliamentary seat.

Meanwhile, Masisi has declined to comment on reports that he has launched campains to defend his seat. 'Ga nke ke bua le ba Mmegi (I never to talk to Mmegi). O a bo mpotsa ditlontlokwane (You want to ask me questions about trivial things),' he retorted. He said: 'I went there (Monarch) on Friday to check on an ill friend' before hanging up abruptly. This week Bakaile denied that he was campaigning for Masisi. 'I was merely in Monarch to visit a close party friend who is in confinement after giving birth,' he said.

He added: 'I am, however, interested in contesting the party primaries at Botsalano ward though I am yet to apply'.When contacted, Ntheetsang said they met to discuss Moswaane's alleged early campaigning for the party primaries before campaigns are sanctioned. 'We did so because as Francistown West constituency, we have an interest in the matter.We plan to report the matter to the Francistown BDP branch soon,' he said. Moswaane has always maintained that he is not positioning himself for the polls. The chairperson of BDP Communications and International Relations Committee, Lesang Magang has warned party members against premature campaigns. He stated that those who engage in early campaigning will be dealt with accordingly. The sanctions facing guilty politicians include being locked out of the primaries altogether.