S/Phikwe opposition councillors' "big plan" fails


Matlhogonolo triumphed over the Botswana Congress Party's Leungo Mathaio. Since the beginning of last year, opposition councilors made it clear that they intend to remove former mayor Godfrey Mbaiwa from office.They announced this plan during their first press conference held at Bosele Hotel early last year.

The former mayor was however re-elected for the second term in office in May, until he voluntarily announced his resignation from the position on December 31st.  Opposition councillors from the Botswana Movement for Democracy and Botswana Congress Party distanced themselves from the impasse that had engulfed the council and discredited Mbaiwa's leadership.

They denounced the mayor as ineffectual and the two parties pledged each other's support to ensure that the mayor relinquishes his position by May this year. They maintained that it is normal for the council to frequently change mayors as they were convinced that it is within the council's jurisdiction to change the office bearer whenever there is need.

During the meeting, which was chaired by the opposition chief whip councillor Molefhe Molatlhegi, opposition councillors said they want a leader who is cooperative, consultative and has a clear plan of how the town should be governed.

They accused the mayor of being incompetent in interpreting standing orders and regulations. They also accused him of failing to improve the council's financial challenges and said his vacating the position would save the council from further financial woes.

One opposition councillor was previously forced to withdraw the motion of no confidence against the mayor due to public pressure.  'Gompieno ga rena go ntsha motion, re tla dira tiro ka botlalo ka May (This time we will not present a motion, we will oust him immediately),' the chief whip was quoted then.The plan was executed despite the fact that there is a tie in the number of opposition and ruling party councillors.

The opposition was not united, as a portion of its councillors were against this course of action, which contributed to the plan failing. During a full council meeting held last month, mayor Mbaiwa announced that he will vacate his post in May but may consider leaving earlier in February, considering advice from close associates. The council plunged back into episodes of drama during the following special full council meeting, as opposition councillors urged the mayor to vacate the position immediately.

They ultimately refused to begin the agenda of the special full council meeting, while the mayor refused to entertain any matters outside the agenda, prompting the two sides into a stalemate until the session was adjourned at noon. 'We doubt you will manage until May  because you have failed dismally since you ascended to the position. The council's service levy arrears were only P2 million but the figure has shot to a soaring P8 million under your leadership. We fear to imagine that things could get worse between now and May,' said councillor Koos Mashaba.

Opposition councillors maintained that the session cannot resume without a mayor and that unless a new mayor is elected, the agenda would be halted. After a lengthy heated debate the session was adjourned for two weeks.Following Mayor Matlhogonolo's inauguration, it is anticipated that tensions will be resolved and end political divisions which have been hindering the town council's progress.