G-west night club rising from the ashes?


Workers at the site have revealed that they are rebuilding the nightclub though it is unclear if it will still be owned by Steve Raman, the previous owner of 10 years before the structure was gutted by fire last year.For over two weeks, workmen have been on site with yellow monsters demolishing the structure.

The popular nightclub was ravaged by fire late last year, destroying everything. However, the walls remained intact. Grand West nightclub operated at the same premises as Gaborone West shopping complex with jazz joint Satchmo's.  Both clubs were owned by Raman.

Grand West has been operating at the same premises for more than a decade while Satchmo's was also about to celebrate a decade of lively shows.    When they were still operating, the two joints had turned Gaborone West mall into a popular venue for revellers.  But since the two clubs caught fire, G-West mall has become deserted.

Grand West nightclub was simply the Mecca of Gaborone entertainment while Satchmo's was a jazz joint, which only opened over the weekends.The collapse of the clubs also disrupted life in Gaborone West, especially for the small businesses that were operating outdoors.

There were a number of business activities that were taking place outside the clubs.  This included bommasepei, who were trading in fast foods while others were also bootlegging liquor.  Other small traders were merchants of  boiled eggs, cell phone airtime, cigarettes and hot dogs.

All the businesses that were operating have been affected, as the crowd from the nightclub is no longer there. Some of them have collapsed while others have moved to another nightclub at Maruapula.The G-west mall had also turned into the city's number one unofficial 'red light' district.  It was also at the parking lot of the nightclub where ladies of the night were doing brisk business.Today nightlife has become quiet at Gaborone West with only one bar operating.