Sushi puts love blues in song


This time, she is preaching about how one cannot afford to end their life because of a relationship gone sour. The single is called O Montu - it's from my upcoming album called past, present and future. The message behind the song is quite a long story related to my life. But she is quick to say she would never commit suicide.'If it is over it is over, get over it and move on. I don't have to kill myself or kill someone else because it is over. So, with this song, I wanted to put the past behind and focus on the present and the future. I picked up a few lessons from my experience and I can share with anyone else going through relationship troubles that suicide is definitely not an answer,' Sushi told Showbiz.

The song also challenges young ladies to stand up and fight for a bright future, something she said was the motivation behind writing that song. In O Montu she fuses lines in five different languages in the song. Her own SeSubia is dominant with a bit of Kalanga, Xhosa, Zulu and English.'I recorded it while I was still hurt, but it's all in my past now. We live once in life and I don't want to look back and have regrets one day. I know as ladies when we move on we mean it, no turning back. The whole thing reminds me of a song by R Kelly which says 'when woman loves she loves for real': It's true,' she said.

She features little known Tshenolo Mosimane on the track.  Sushi's maiden album, Lovers Of House was bungled two years ago, prompting her to release a much improved single Celebration Time early last year.After the release of the correctional album, Sushi said the single was in celebration of where she was headed in terms of music. Despite her break-up, she is still upbeat about her future and insists it has toughened her up. Some of the songs in her debut album included Mwana O MweKwahane, Siyabangena, a track that announces her arrival on the music scene; and We Are Proud Of You Guys, which congratulated the Zebras for qualifying for the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) finals.The rest of her songs were related to love and relationships. Love Blind, I Want To Be Alone and How Did I Ever Let You Slip Away all carry the same subject of love.