Slizer returns to stage


Slizer steered clear of the pull to share the stage with Zimbabwe's Alick Macheso in April when he performed in Gaborone due to her pregnancy. Now, her first show after giving birth on June 25 is with the talented guitarist in Harare, Zimbabwe.'I'm delighted to be performing in Zimbabwe with Alick Macheso next month,' she said. The shows are spread over four days - August 10 to 13 - at venues in Harare and surrounding towns.The biggest will be at the heart of Zimbabwe's capital in Harare Gardens.

Slizer returns to Gaborone after the show for just a week and will go back to grace the Tourism Day in Victoria on August 24.'I'm very happy about all this, I have stayed a long time without performing and it feels good to be returning to the stage,' she told Showbiz. The House Kwasa queen, however, admits there are challenges involved.'It's going to be fine with my mother around. I will be going for shows and coming back. My mum will assist a lot with the baby,' she said.She added that Junior's birth was like any other life-altering experience and has created new perspectives on pre-existing outlooks. She went on to reveal that her South African husband - Bosi Moshupi's thoughts were that she should wait a little before returning to stage. She said: 'Men can be complicated; he feels it is not the right time yet. But music is my life -I have to do it.'

While nursing Junior, the go-getting artist has been busy writing songs for her next album. She is still basking in the glory that came along with her high quality DVD for the album Diwewewe. It was estimated to have cost her P100, 000.'I think I have improved from one album to the next and the following one must be better than Diwewewe. I am going live and will be touring a lot of countries around. That will be good exposure for me,' she said.

Slizer has slowed down on her music since tying the knot. Last December, she parried show requests to spend time with her husband.The two first met in Johannesburg. Her hubby is a bodyguard for a South African business tycoon who owns a chain of hotels.