UDC partners may merge in 2015


He told Mmegi that at the congress, the UDC partners BMD, Botswana National Front (BNF) and Botswana Peoples Party (BPP) will decide whether to merge and form one party or maintain the status quo. Motswaledi is UDC secretary general.  'What is important is the selling of the umbrella as it is. We have so far not done a good job in that respect. We should do it and do it very quickly so that people know not only who we are but also know what we are offering,' he said.

He added that they should brand themselves quickly because of competition on the ground.  'We have the Botswana Democratic Party and the Botswana Congress Party existing as brands and we have the UDC existing as a probable brand. We don't want a probable brand. We want a real brand. At this time, people are still hearing that there is a congress for BMD, BNF and BPP.

They are starting to ask themselves where is the UDC that has been promised because what they hear is the old parties with their old inclinations, where is this new thing that is coming. I do agree that we have a challenge when it comes to selling the UDC brand,' Motswaledi said.  He added that if the UDC is not present in the wards and constituencies, the project is a pipe dream. He stressed that people have heard rumours about the UDC and it is time to see the project clearly, in character and in person. 'It think Batswana are waiting for polished politics from the UDC. Any politics that rhymes with that pride is politics that they would like.

Batswana would not like people who will be attacking and insulting others. They would want people who will just show how alternative promise there are in terms of the future of change that they would desire,' Motswaledi said.He stated that it is a challenge to topple the ruling party if BCP is not in the UDC. He said looking at election results, it is evident that a united front of BNF, BCP and independent candidates pose a serious threat to the ruling party.'To the extent that we as the BMD have reduced the fortunes of the BDP and their dependability and reliabilities also adding value to the word of the opposition, we were already in government of course with the BCP on board,' Motswaledi said.He stressed the fact that the absence of the BCP in the UDC and intra-opposition quarrels only pleases the ruling party.He emphasised that UDC and the BCP believe in the same things. He stated that the policies of the umbrella party and those of BCP are the same as they were conceived when BCP was still part and parcel of the umbrella project.

Motswaledi pointed out that the breakaway of BCP from the umbrella project could not be attributed to policies. He said there is no impediment to the two entities coming together. He did not rule out challenging BCP president Dumelang Saleshando in the Gaborone Central constituency. The possibility of two fighting for the constituency has fuelled fears that it might give the seat back to the ruling party. 'That is not impossible. I cannot verify and say I am indeed going to stand here. I am here to be deployed by UDC and then BMD. Am yet to be deployed and when they deploy me as their leader and their agent, I would not say no. I would take the deployment. 'It is possible that I will stand in the Gaborone Central or elsewhere depending on the philosophy of deployment by the two authorities I have cited,' Motswaledi said.