Parly BMC committe moves to Europe


The said committee, having been duly constituted, has since the month of February 2013 been conducting public hearings at the National Assembly headquarters, of various witnesses canvassing the length and breadth of the national beef sector.Further, the Special Select Committee of Parliament has just completed a marathon hearings programme at the different localities throughout the country and have now proceeded abroad on the third leg of its hearings effective from June 1-18, 2013.

The trip entails In Loco visits, extensive briefings and inspections of BMC's subsidiaries and commercial operations located in Capetown (Table Bay Cold Storage) and BMC (UK) Holdings in London.A critical part of the committee's programme entails meeting with European Union officials at its trade division in Brussels, as well as the Directorate General for Health and Consumers also located in Brussels. The committee comprises nine members accompanied by two members of the secretariat. The committee's enquiry process is part and parcel of Parliament's mandate to undertake and conduct the scrutiny of the executive and all state agencies and enterprises, for the better strengthening of good governance, Parliamentary democracy and accountability to the citizens of the Republic of Botswana.  The Committee is expected back home on the June 21, 2013.