New twist in BMC saga


This, in addition to confirmed reports that salaries will also be paid directly from the mother company's coffers, has been done to allegedly thwart club chairman Sonny Phiri from cashing what he claims to be owed.Indications are that Phiri reportedly claims he covered some expense and was to be reimbursed when the league releases the cash prize. The amount in question is unclear with sources within the club throwing around different figures.BMC's corporate communications manager, Tiro Kganela, confirmed the developments, insisting no one in their individual capacity, would be reimbursed allegedly because there were no records.

'We wrote two letters to the League - the first was verifying the transfer and the other was to make sure the prize money goes to the company to clear players,' Kganela told Mmegi Sport.He added the salaries would also be paid directly to players from the mother company. 'We did that already, we need to make sure the transition is done smoothly.'Kganela, who was suspended by Phiri from his position as vice chairman, blatantly reiterated that no individual would get paid from those monies.

'We won't pay anybody claiming he is owed because there are no records to prove that. The company was never notified about that,' he said. Phiri was unavailable for comment as his mobile phones went to voice-mail.The chairman recently suspended members of the executive and the coach midway through talks with potential buyer, businessman Esfandiar Ghodrati.

Phiri warded off his deputy Kganela, coach Daniel Nare, marketing manager Nelson Radijeng and Donald Mopako over a disciplinary dispute. The quartet were fingered for influencing players to write a letter giving Phiri the sack.Mmegi Sport can confirm that the talks are still on with the New Era owner, Ghodrati, having met BMC acting chief executive officer (CEO), Akanyang Tombale recently.

Kganela said the new club owner would be given use of the company vehicle; the club's training facilities and players' accommodation until October 31, 2013. The offer is to ease the transfer of the club. BMC, the mother company to the club, made an announcement in March that they would no longer bankroll the club in a cost-cutting move.