Cash filmmakers' greatest challenge - MK


In an interview with Showbiz, Asante, who trades by the name MK, said that after hosting a workshop on Monday with Botswana filmmakers he established that, like in many other countries, money for production still remains the biggest obstacle.He further said that he was able to get diverse viewpoints of directors, script-writers and producers amongst those in the film industry.He revealed that he has observed that the Botswana film industry has resources and tools but performers have not yet figured out how to tap into the market and sell themselves to the outside world.

MK, who is in Botswana until Friday, said that part of his address included sharing his knowledge and experience as a filmmaker. He said that he also addressed issues of how Batswana could use available platforms to advance their filmmaking careers.The 30-year-old filmmaker, who is on an African music safari, said that before coming to Botswana he was in Nambia.

He said that after Botswana he would be flying to Swaziland where he hopes to conclude the tour. m'I am currently doing a tour to empower the youth through the arts but mainly on film issues,' said MK.He added that apart from the workshop with filmmakers he would also give inspirational talks to junior and senior secondary students at Bonnington and Naledi schools. He added that he would also host a creative writing workshop on Friday morning before leaving for Mbabane, the Swaziland capital.

MK, who is hosted by the US Embassy in conjunction with Youth Health Organisation (YOHO), said that his career was launched by his film 500 Years Later in 2005 which went on to win five international film festival awards, including one from UNESCO in the Best Documentary category. He also announced that his new book Buck, a memoir, has recently been released.In his biography MK describes himself as a bestselling author and award-winning filmmaker who CNN calls 'a master storyteller and major creative force'.He further states that he is the author of  four celebrated books, and a recipient of  the Langston Hughes award.