Sex workers set to 'hijack' tourism expo?


Lately, the Victoria Falls city of Livingstone is said to have become their destination of choice.Its new magnet status has all to do with it being one of the venues. Sex workers apparently see a lot of prospects and want to be well in position before it opens.Up to 1,000 delegates and visitors are expected to attend the conference to be held at Livingstone and Victoria Falls Town in Zimbabwe.Sex workers have apparently been watching developments with keen interest and their plan seems to be to cash in before, during and after the event.

A sex worker who spoke anonymously in the mining city of Kitwe confirmed that the professionals have the upcoming conference on their radar and are eager for the pickings.'Most of our friends have gone to Livingstone to look for accommodation as they prepare for the event,' she said.Others were reported to be preparing to go and 'work' from the Zimbabwean side to take advantage of the goings and comings between the two venues, which are being spruced up and refurbished for the conference scheduled for August 24-29.

Further confirmation of the 'gold rush' has come from the police who have seen more and more 'practitioners' of the sex trade take residence in the city.And they appear to be exploring the local market with some vigor- which is what appears to be what has given them away. Certainly, to the police who are by no means amused by the trend. Police have now served notice that they will have none of it. They said in quite strident tones that they will not allow any soliciting and will deal firmly with those who will engage in or are suspected of it.It seems, in fact, that the situation has already become perilous for the sex workers as police have identified them as a problem to be dealt with, and are responding directly to their activities.Southern Province Commissioner of Police, Charity Katanga, on June 6 read the riot act and she clearly wanted to be heard. She said police would deal firmly with commercial sex workers who were migrating to ply their trade in Livingstone.

'If it means calling for reinforcements, we will do just that... I will not allow commercial sex workers to conduct their illegal activities. They must stay away, otherwise they will have themselves to blame,' she warned.The laws on idling and disorderly conduct are clear and sex workers need to familiarise themselves with their provisions, she said. She warned that Livingstone would be absolutely dangerous ground for the sex trade.'If we do not find appropriate charges, we will take them into custody,' she vowed.

She said they were free to migrate but they would find that the police will also have migrated to the streets and their haunts. Support for that position came from the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) on the Copperbelt who condemned the growing migration to Livingstone for what it said was to 'waylay' delegates.'We are calling on police to arrest the sex workers who are migrating to cause confusion and embarrass the country.They must not be allowed to hijack the event,' said the YWCA. So far, they haven't succeeded.

Preparations for the conference that is seen as a once in a lifetime opportunity to showcase what the two countries can offer around the Victoria Falls are approaching fever pitch.Roads are being re-done and improved, there is refurbishment all-round. Support infra-structure is being strengthened and co-hosting logistics are being finalised.There is clearly no room for 'spoilers,' too much is at stake. But it seems that the sex workers anticipate 'a trickle-down effect' and are anxious to catch some of it or die trying! (SPA)