In this unusual step, the council says it has gone the exhibition route in its effort to take sport to the people. The exhibition aims at telling a story of SCSA Zone VI from where it started to where it is today.

The exhibition shows pictures of different competitions from different member countries among others.  SCSA Zone VI secretary general Stanley Mutoya said they took the exhibition route because they wanted to show the contribution that sport has made through pictures.

The exhibition will run for three weeks under different themes. The current one is running under the theme, “ From incubation to certainty”. Mutoya hoped that the exhibition would be able to capture people who normally visit the museum who are not necessarily sports people. “People always go to stadiums to watch matches but memories of such games fade immediately after the game.

This is our way of reviving such memories,” Mutoya told Sport Monitor after the exhibition launch on Friday. He added that through the exhibition they want to encourage young people to take sport as a lifestyle.

Mutoya said they hoped to have reached a significant number of Batswana especially students at the end of the exhibition. 

SCSA Zone VI Council of Ministers Chairperson Chishimba Kambwili along Minister of Youth, Sport and Culture, Shaw Kgathi officially opened the exhibition. Kambwili, who is Zambia’s Minister of Youth and Sport, said the exhibition tells the story of trials, tribulations, hardships and jubilation from all member states.

“Indeed it is a cause for us to celebrate the milestone,” he said. Today the region boasts of several Olympic champions, which is something worth celebrating.

SCSA Zone VI is a body that takes care of sport for Southern African countries. Its member nations are Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.