Domi disrupts Workers rally


Workers union, Botswana Federation of Public Sector Unions (BOFEPUSU) last night reported that their workers' rally in Ditshegwane was disrupted by the ruling tarty, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) youths led by youth chairman Andy Boatile, councillor Ford Moiteela and others.

According to a BOFEPUSU official, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa, the BDP youths were intimidating the workers taking pictures and videos of them and threatening that they will take the images to the employer for the dismissal of the participating workers.'There was also a heavy presence of the Intelligence agents, but the workers were not intimidated as they had come en masse,' said Motshegwa.

BOFEPUSU, who lost two high profile court cases involving the 2011 three months workers strike, immediately announced they will be backing the opposition in order to send a strong message to the ruling party. On Saturday and Sunday, BOFEPUSU held workers' rallies in Takatokwane and Ditshegwane, urging workers to hit BDP where it hurts in the forthcoming by-election in Letlhakeng West.  BOFEPUSU confirmed yesterday that their campaign teams have been camping in Letlhakeng West for one and a half week now, doing house-to-house campaigns against the ruling party. He further said they would continue to have the team working there.