Nico chairperson fired


One of the main reasons that are said to have broken the camel's back is that Raditshego failed to negotiate appearance fee for Nico players during the Mascom Top 8 second leg and that he failed to bring the fixture to Selebi-Phikwe.Speaking to Mmegi Sport, Raditshego said he has not been given a letter that states that he has been fired. He explained that he will be in a position to reveal more details regarding his expulsion after sharing the information with Nico supporters during a meeting that was to be held yesterday.

Nico vice chairperson, Mothusi Taolo told Mmegi Sport that the committee took the decision to part ways with Raditshego is in the club's interest. He explained that he could not go into details of the decision because he does not want to expose the team.He said that the committee is still looking for people to feel vacant positions of chairperson, public relations officer, vice secretary and one additional member. On other issues, Taolo did not want to respond to allegations that the management of the team does not want anybody who is not working for BCL Mine to be a member of the executive committee.

Mmegi Sport has also been reliably informed that Nico still owe coach, Elijah Chikwanda and striker Master Masitara signing-on fees. Chikwanda is alleged to be owed P30, 000 and Masitara P17, 000. Taolo stated that the matter has not been brought to his attention. He said that the contracts of both Chikwanda and Masitara are still running and will be looked into at the relevant time. He said that he could not deny or confirm the allegations.The management of the team is accused of not allowing the chairperson to speak to the media.

Reacting to the allegations, Taolo said that was not true because the chairperson has the right to do interviews with the media on the technical aspects of the team but could not say anything that could affect the sponsor.'We encouraged the media questionnaire because we wanted to probe themfirst as a committee. We believe that in everything that we did, we should protect our sponsor,' he said.According to information from reliable sources, Nico committee is divided over the firing of the coach.

It is alleged that some committee members feel that it is time they parted ways with the Zambian tactician while the other group are against the move. Taolo said the move is on how individuals are feeling but the official stand of the management is that they are still with Chikwanda.