Motamma Sesinyi - epitome of beauty with brains


The 27-year-old beauty who describes herself as both beautiful and intelligent is pursuing a Master in Science (MSc) at Botswana College of Agriculture.  She says she was raised by strict and highly disciplined parents who believed in the saying, 'spare the rod and spoil the child.'

Bearing this in mind, it is unfortunate to learn that she took the blame for almost everything that went wrong around the household.  Her childhood experiences, however, moulded her into the young woman with strict values and principles that she is today.  Sesinyi says she has always liked beauty pageants and dancing, so when the opportunity to enter Miss Tourism presented itself, she didn't hesitate to try her luck.She said: 'I love pageants and I'm proud of Botswana tourism.  I wanted to be the tourism ambassador to market this wonderful country's rich resources and culture the world over.'  The one thing that really stands out about Sesinyi is her passion when she talks about her responsibilities as Miss Tourism.  'I am a youth who loves her country dearly and believes in Vision 2016, so I want to actively participate towards the development and growth of our country.  I knew in winning this pageant that I would be given the platform to sell Botswana to the world and to attract more tourists to the country and promote the touring spirit amongst citizens for them to know more about their country,' said Sesinyi.  She is happy  that through Miss Tourism, she has the platform to be instrumental in Botswana's development.  'I wanted to form tourism clubs and conduct projects that engage the youth and motivate them to become tourists and explore Botswana.  I also wanted to infuse the safe and secure nation pillar into tourism and use it to preach against poaching to encourage a safe and secure environment for our wildlife to roam freely.'  In Bangkok, Thailand, Sesinyi carried the Botswana brand high.  She said: 'I left Botswana with merchandise from Botswana Tourism Organisation (BTO).  I had 120 mini DVDs and 60 Botswana maps.'

Miss Tourism Botswna 2012 also wore the German print outfits and the fur shoes made out of animal skins that intrigued her fellow contestants and the public into learning more about Botswana.  Sesinyi's duties include sensitising the public,  especially the youth, on tourism related issues and encourage them to preserve their culture which plays a vital role in tourism.  She says branding Botswana in a foreign country has by far been her easiest task because people are open to learning about Botswana.

Apart from being a tourism ambassador Sesinyi has been appointed the face of Tourism Spotlight Company.  She has also taken part in various charity events and has been invited to various events to motivate young people. Sesinyi prides herself with the fact that she's the first ever Miss Tourism queen and Miss Tourism World Africa second runner up.  'I have paved ways for upcoming tourism queens, working day and night to help Batswana know that in the international world there are more international pageants than the two commonly known ones in Botswana.'  She is inspired by people with positive energy who strive to make people believe in themselves and encourage people to be the best that they can be.

'I surround myself with people of different characters; happy minds, go-getters, comedian characters, positive business-driven minds, politicians and senior citizens.  I love wisdom.  My mom is my pillar of strength, and I also look up to Nelson Mandela.  The fact that he was able to forgive after so many years of harsh treatment from his oppressors influences my character,' she said. She says that she also listens to her inner voice and makes sure that she shuts her ears from the noise of the world as this may contribute to her making decisions based on other people's influence.  Sesinyi is a highly optimistic person and regardless of the challenges she faces on a daily basis,  negativity never crosses her mind.

'I don't believe in being negative and I hardly talk about my low point or moments, instead I write all the sad and negative energy in the sand to be blown away (by the wind) for I don't want to create room to house low sad moments lest they upset me whilst there's a lot to celebrate,' she exudes her positivity.Sesinyi also has quite a number of achievements under her belt.  She is a graduate and also completed course work for MSc in Agriculture Engineering majoring in land use planning.  She is a six-time titleholder in various pageants namely; Miss Botswana and Miss Universe finalist.  She is also a model, motivational speaker, emerging actress, television presenter, advocate for Earth hour in Botswana and a member of the Botswana Women's Network, advocating for women empowerment.  Sesinyi says she hopes to venture into the corporate and political world to explore her business and entrepreneurial skills. She also wants to be remembered as a fearless beauty queen.