The inspired generation (II)

About people who only wanted progress to happen to them but not the rest of the country; people who were stealing away from the future of this country.  And I gave him a detailed account of my personal experience with these bad people.  I will never forget what my Father told me: 'I believe that God wanted those bad things to happen to you because he knew that after they happened to you, they would never happen to anyone else again.'

Not long after that, I felt a gradual calm go over me, and there was clarity in my head.  I had accepted the challenge and was ready to carry the burden.  I was ready to begin.  Let us begin.   

Standing for the interests of the majority Requires that even if you are the only one standing in 2013, you must stand for integrity, democracy, better education, and for the rights of the many. Change something for the better, even if it is only your life that you will change.  Stand for the poor and helpless.  Challenge the status quo.  And when future generations say that 2013 is the year that the giant woke up, let that giant be you.  Stand against all the odds and those pulling in the opposite direction of progress.  Stand for the growth of this country.

Raise your voiceWhen man was suffocating and dying inside, God gave us a voice.  From that voice, man formed words, and when that was not enough, man wrote down his words so that the words could live on.  Do you not see the desire for man to fill the spaces with his views and ideas?  Do you not see his need to extend such a boundary?  For thousands of years, man has been perfecting communication.And who can silence that which God has created?  I feel sorry for the man who will try because he will fail and will not be able to catch every word that gets into the air and is carried by the wind. Man has been getting louder and louder, each new generation more vocal than the last. And so to the youth of this country, I say raise your voice even if a thousand voices try to drown it. Raise your voice because, now more than ever, the few who have been given the courage to speak must now speak for the majority.

Great men are made by hard timesIt is during trying times that a great leader's hidden strengths will become apparent.  Great leaders will bring us together during trying times and make us work as one to chart a way forward.  And when the time comes to make a sacrifice, a great leader will be willing to sacrifice himself.

The weak can defeat the strongAnd who better demonstrated that than Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi?  Our forefathers also did it at the battle of Dimawe.  For once, let our parents learn something from us.  Let us demonstrate to them what the true meaning of courage is.  Let us address corrupt men and women with the only language that they will understand.  Let them know that the light is growing and that one day there will be too few dark places left to hide.

Victory is certainThe moment has not refused to come because we are the ones who have been refusing to seize it.  It has always been there, waiting and waiting. And to those of you who are asking when God will act, I say shame on you.  God has been acting since long before you were born.  God is acting now.  Do you doubt it?  Then be still and know. Are you still in doubt?  Then know this: My name is Barolong Mouwane of the Inspired Generation.  And I will change this country for the better for you.  And you don't have to believe it; you just have to witness it.