Rejected calls for land audit worrying

Baitshepi Redick Modibedi: Go tshwanetse go lwantshwa tshenyetso sechaba pele ga dilo tsotlhe.

Tshidiso TheMilkman: Lekuta Batho ba mae6 le masika a bone ba neetswe lehatshe lotlhe because no subordinate can reject application ya mogolo wa gagwe for land. (sic)

TuTu Nthobatsang: The same guys are beneficiaries of this huge chunk of land allocated under dubious circumstances, I'm not suprised they rejected the motion, are we still saying we live in a democratic country?

David Daniel Titus:...guilty conscience heish

Tumisang Loeto: Strike..i thnk the as the youth we shud match into the blody prlmnt and demand title deeds...i alys hear them say they a impowerin us..hw whn w dnt evn have acxs 2 our own land. (sic)

Thabang-Letlotlo Papzi Segwagwe-Thekisho: I saw that coming..the reason for rejecting the motion is that members of the ruling party ke bone beng ba lehatshe..they own huge pieces of bipa mpa ka mabele...(sic)

*As long as go sena an effective monitoring system lehatshe ga re tle go le bona. (sic)

*As fo kgang ea land allocation;go boitsem bogolo mo madirelong a ga ba eteletseng maphata ke bon ba rotloetsang boitseme jo bo kanakana..a selepe se lel. Balance Score Card a e dirisiwe..eo a sa fitlheleleng ikemisetso a a tswe. (sic)

*We cannot jst sit bak n wait, we have to take action now b4 the situation becomes worse.  God helps those who help themselves, we must stand up now n fight for all Batswana.  Boycotting will not solve anything, kana Bagolo will still vote for ruling party if youth boycotts and it will solve nothing. This our time to vote n show them that we are not happy with the way things are being done. (sic)

Kethebe Yusuf Sethunyane: Cum 2014, BDP shud b taught a lesson.. They are taking Batswana for granted, how can someone own more than 800 plots in about 20 years and yet takes around that time for an ordinary motswana to be allocated a SINGLE plot.. (sic)

Aobza El-mubarak Bakokonyan: the richer getting rich everyday and the poor man remain one way and they say thats the way we got to stay. (sic)

Katamelo Wa Ntlha T.I.B: This is Bots. They want to cover their tracks before audit. Manong a ja pitse yotlhe..

Bakang Mogopodi: Just when BDP rules we stil gonna cry a river of tears, remove from d hot seat by votin it out ba itebetse tota ths guys!

Mos Tabaka Malense: If you are to be lifting up the jack then thats your big mistake blame yourselves Batswana end of story!! (sic)

Nicky Days: O waii, we can just forget about land audit as long as we still have the same party ruling. How can u audit yourself. Comrade Modubule o boletse a re mongwe wa bagolo owns land as big as Lesotho, le a mo itse a kere? kana mo Botswana there are people who own dipolase tsa bo 100kms by 100kms mme ba na le under a thousand cattle, they've never been to some parts of the farm for the past 15 to 20 years,what are they keeping the rest of the land for? it's just amazing. (sic)

Tumisang Loeto: Le yone landboard e itira botoka hela baitse sentle gore ba gobeletse b2 mahatshe..go batla strike fela go lo fa..(sic)

Motshegetsi Tawana II: I think its time for us youth to think abut our future, don't just sit there and complain cast your vote for better future, better education, couz if we don't do anything we are still going to cry for what we see. (sic)

Ralien Ralien Ralien: I think Khama can get hints from Mr.Mogabe especially ka the land owned by Tati company and others...Gape the government should build houses and give to allocate those houses to people and charge a certain amount of money which can be deducted every month to avoid people selling their fresh land...(sic)

David Tshere: The process is pain stacking but wealth going through, we have to start with Land Audit then a Land Reform which should yield land re-distribution/ allocation strategy then implementation. Thanks (sic)

Boikobo Fortune Segokgo: I am frustrated at the way our government is handling the land issue.Gone yana ba bua gore they have already started a similar process of registering and capturing history on all awarded plots.NB.This has been running i think for the past four years rona re thoka lefatshe and their process is taking so long? Ke eng ntse bo MP Saleshando ba sa itse, sephiri ene ele sa eng? I am of the view that only a comprehensive land audit could establish how land was acquired.

Lesego Eddie Segootsane: This post came at the time am preparing an 'Open Letter to His Excellency The President', regarding 'Land grabbing by those at the Top and those down are getting nothing rather they are crying till tears becomes blood'. This is one and the only point that does not tick on the govt's mind: Life Expectancy of Botswana is low! 15 years plus my age is not tomrrow. We demand land to have free families and stop crowding our parent's homes with our kids.....! (sic)

Tebo Kgosikhumo Mathata: ke gore gatwe banana ke babusi ba kamoso,so ths whole ting made ths ppl tink bagolo ke bone ba nang le di opinion tse di botoka. Bt its disapoitin wen motions lyk dat one which r basicaly in the interest of Batswana are jst rejected lyk dat....Ke ipotsa gore r they sayin evrytin is ok kana ba tshaba go betswa, waitse ha o ka ruiwa ke mathata. (sic)

Mmilili Kenneth Mojiwa: Although i support da audit for redistribution & allocation purposes later, note dat our govt never releases such info for public consumption eventhough public funds are used, look back at commissions made, di kae di outcome of such? (sic)

Parks Dinotshe: This is Bots, erverything is going to be swept under the mat, batshogile, but agoise gotwe lea go tsewa,just want to know,who owns what, like rre jamali reitse gore otshwere toropo to some degree. (sic)Lets Madisakwana: Bane ba ka tlhoka go gana land audit jang ele lehatshe la bone le bana ba bone?and i mean it literally! (sic)

Bobby Molapo: Batswana lesang go rekisa lehatshe e be le re blah blah, kopang lehatshe ko magaeng a lona le lese go re tlatsa rona ba re tswang gaufi le Gaborone! (sic)

Oarabile Sekgatsa: the only solution is to change the government come 2014,we are fed up! (sic)

Steve Tonkin: Governments are meant to be FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. All should be treated equally and given a fair chance for land allocation! Why are the people in the ministries being paid a salary when They need to become more efficient and customer focused! Everyone blames the govt, but we the people work in the govt offices and departments! We have ourselves to blame for how slow things can be!  In the UK, no one is allocated land, you have to rent or buy privately and if it is from the local councils to get a house can take over 5 years as you are on a waiting list! Be grateful for the support you are getting even though it is slow. Land allocation should take place the day the child is born, by the time they are 16 and have an omang, their land will be allocated.

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