Attorneys seek reconciliation in Bakgatla case


The prosecutor Kabelo Nkwe told the court that they met with all of the complainants in the case and that some of them have agreed to reconcile on condition that the accused give them monetary compensation. He explained that some of the demands from the complainants are not realistic, hence a new trial date should be set.

He told the court that they do appreciate the fact that in the past, the complainants had asked to be given time to reconcile. However, another extension is needed as the accused persons have indicated that they are willing to pay the compensation. In response, the defence counsel Sydney Pilane also asked the court to give them time to allow the reconciliation process to be concluded.

He said they have leant the charge sheet is going to be amended to make the counts 17 and to increase the number of the accused persons to 35. Pilane said they have not received any instructions for the other accused persons to represent them. He said that in future, the court may need to separate the trial.  He promised that the defence will do everything in its power to see the case finished.Both Nkwe and Pilane did not say anything about controversial self-exiled Bakgatla paramount chief Kgafela Kgafela, whose warrant of arrest was issued last year after he failed to show up in court. The accused persons will appear for mention on April 26 this year. The flogging case involves Kgafela Kgafela, his younger brother Mmusi, Bana Sekai Linchwe and other Bakgatla royals.