Govt introduces new youth loan scheme


'The Youth Industries Scheme is available to fund existing businesses involved in production and packaging and is only available to a group of 5-10,' Seboni told a one-day business seminar to motivate the youth to utilise services offered by Botswana Student Network (BSN), Local Enterprise Authority (LEA), Registrar of Companies and Botswana National Youth Council (BNYC). Besides the amount available and the group requirement, she said  other requirements in the new facility are similar to the current youth loan scheme.

Speaking at the seminar, BSN president, Kenaape Mohutsiwa said the organisation links students, the government and private companies to create exposure and disseminate information. He said the workshop provided a networking platform for students to socialise, share ideas and opinions with representatives from the participating organisations.

The seminar was organised by BSN in conjunction with Local Enterprise Authority (LEA), Registrar of Companies and BNYC. Karabo Gale, a business advisor from LEA said the seminar was important to students, as it was a learning platform. 'You may take it lightly but trust me, someone in the deepest part of Botswana is dying for such an opportunity and wishes to participate just to make their lives better,' he said.

Gale stated that although they do not provide funding for business, they have sponsorship deals for students.'We work with the University of Botswana Business Clinic, and we have sponsorship deals available for certain kinds of projects,' he explained.

BSN is an organisation with branches in most tertiary education institutions though its membership includes students from secondary schools. It serves as an information disseminating medium and equips students with managerial, leadership and business skills in preparation for the corporate world, labour market and society. The theme of the seminar was 'Student involvement in Entrepreneurship, potential role players in economic diversification'.