Suspended Rollers players to know their fate


Thato Bolweleng and Edwin Motlhagodi, were found consuming alcohol two days before a match. Simisani Mathumo who was originally amongst the charged, no longer faces disciplinary charges. Rollers welfare manager, Motshegetsi Mafa said Mathumo managed to issue a medical report and it was clear he was given sick leave for Friday and Saturday, which is why he did not show up at training. He added that he joined the team on Tuesday for training.

Mafa told Mmegi Sport that the players were spotted somewhere drinking alcohol, but it was not at camp. Mafa added that the players were seen on a Friday during preparations for the weekend game against Miscellaneous.

He said players are only allowed to drink after their game. Mafa went further to say that cases of the players abusing alcohol in the past have risen and cited a game against Extension Gunners before which the same rumors of players drinking reached them.  After this incident, he said club officials called the players and warned them to refrain from such acts in the future. Since the same incidents have occurred, Mafa said the club now needs to intervene.

Mafa said: 'I will not mention the names of the players who were involved in drinking before the Gunners game, but some of them are involved in the case at hand too.' Mafa said they will give them a chance to defend themselves and that the outcome of the disciplinary hearing will be made known to the media. However, Mafa was said what won't be shared with the media are the  the penalties the players will face if they are found guilty. 

Reporting on other developments affecting the team,  Rollers' welfare manager said they have engaged a motivational speaker who will speak to the players. He said that the speaker was brought in last month to address the various problems faced by the players.