UDC, BCP in blame game over Saleshando accusation


A furious Moeti Mohwasa, the UDC spokesperson told this publication yesterday in a telephone interview.The BCP leader came out with guns blazing when addressing a press briefing last week, accusing some of the members of the UDC of spreading damaging statements about him and his movement to the media as well as the public.

However Saleshando's statement last week prompted a furious response from political rivals in the UDC.'We only came to know about the allegations about Saleshando's alleged business interests in the media. We are not responsible for spreading any falsehood about Saleshando or the BCP to the public or the media.

'There have been instances where we (UDC) have come under media scrutiny for some of our actions deemed or perceived to be inappropriate. 'Under such instances we usually explain our position and try to clear our movement.'We have always encouraged the media to act responsibly and professionally at all times,' he said.

Mohwasa also said that the BCP and Saleshando should bring sufficient proof that the members of the UDC are the ones responsible for spreading damaging information about him (Saleshando) and his movement to the public and the media.'He cannot say we made such libelous statements about him, which also extends to his party, without any tangible evidence. Our (UDC) politics are also not focused on private affairs of any individual or a party they belong to,' he said.

But in a swift retort, Mohwasa's statement was labelled  'pure public relations exercise' by the BCP spokesperson Taolo Lucas when he was called.'They are playing to the gullible minds. Those who follow the social media will tell you that falsehoods have been spread about our party by other opposition parties. 'Some members of the UDC also patronise  media houses to sell falsehood about our party and its members.

'As the BCP we think that our differences with other parties should be premised on facts and truths. 'However if you are desperate you resort to maligning those you differ with,' he scoffed before adding:'The country's democracy cannot develop when parties keep running to the media to sell false stories just because they differ ideologically on how the country should be developed.'