BDC asses bids to revamp Toro Lodge


'At the moment we are evaluating tender applications from various consultants who have expressed interest in advising us on the model of operation we should use at the lodge,' BDC spokesman, Gomolemo Zimona has told Mmegi Business.

'We expect to have appointed one of the consultants to begin work in nearly two months. The consultant will take a period not less three months to do the job.We anticipate that the re-modelling of the lodge would begin early next year but we are not certain about the date it (re-modelling) will be completed,' he added.  He said the duration of remodeling the lodge and the cost will depend on the recommended by the consultant.

The BDC acquired Toro Lodge from a 100 percent citizen-owned company, MAMASE Investments nearly two years ago for P22 million. At the time, BDC also acquired Khawa Safari Lodge in Gantsi from MAMASE for P7 million.  The corporation said at the time of the purchase that it would re-model the two lodges and operate them. Both lodges have been leased to MAMASE since they were bought.

Zimona said that the corporation is yet to come up with a plan to revamp Khawa.'For now, we are still focusing on how we can revamp Toro to maximise its potential but in the near future, we will begin plans to revamp Khawa,' he said.Toro boasts 10 enclaves or luxurious rooms, 10 waterfront rooms and 15 standard chalets.  It has a spacious campsite with supporting services.