Daisy Loo P34 million richer


According to the report, government has placed the funds in three commercial bank accounts pending the final outcome of the case. The case came to a close in April this year, with Justice Lakhvinder Singh Walia setting aside both the conviction and sentencing of the six accused persons.

The six, Frank Molebatsi, Gilbert Sithole, Frank Stegling, Daisy Loo Company, Moemedi Dijeng and Sadi Abey, had appealed the suspended sentence by the then Regional Magistrate Barnabas Nyamadzabo for the bush clearing, tree trimming and grass cutting of the Segoditshane river bed. It has been reported that Daisy Loo and its judicial manager, John Hinchliffe, through their lawyers, Mack Bahuma Attorneys, have written to the Directorate of Public Prosecution Director, Leonard Sechele, demanding that the cheque be released to them. Mack Bahuma Attorneys stated that interns of the restraint order, which was granted by the Court of Appeal, the funds which is the subject of the case was to be kept in an interest bearing account under the control of the Auditor General and the DPP until finalisation of the criminal case.

'The criminal matter has been finalised and, as such, client has instructed us to demand, as we hereby do, that the funds be released to Daisy Botswana (Pty) Ltd immediately. We understand from our discussion with Mr.Wesson G Manchwe (of the DPP) that you are considering your options. Such options will include to seek leave to appeal,' the attorneys said.'The findings by the High Court are quite clear and unassailable. If you are to seek leave to appeal the decision, such will be an academic exercise, as it will not affect the findings of fact or the verdict. We are copying this letter to the Attorney General to inform her of the position. Kindly but urgently act accordingly; we await the release of the money.' Nyamadzabo had sentenced the accused persons to 18 months imprisonment, wholly suspended for three years for offences ranging from conspiracy to defrauding, obtaining by false pretences and giving false information.