Tafic climb to safety

Witness Livingstone scored the only goal of the match in the 40th minute through a free kick. The score line was however not a true reflection of the game as both sides missed a host of goal scoring chances. The home team missed sitting ducks all day despite displaying a spirited performance.

Gunners, who played their trademark passing game, have themselves to blame for not winning the match after missing several chances. TAFIC could have capitalised from a defensive blunder by Gunners in the 9th minute but captain Obonye Moswate shot straight at the Gunners goalie Takudzwa Ndoro.

Nigerian left winger Levinus Eze Innocent would also be presented with a neat pass by Livingstone in the goal area seven minutes later but he sent the ball wide. Gunners' captain Monageng Thaele had earlier on lobbed in a cross in the TAFIC goal area but striker Apula Apula failed to control his header sending the ball wide, with the host goalie Mosimanegape Robert beaten. Rodney Buka seems to be regaining the form that had many pundits predicting a bright future for him when he arrived at TAFIC early this season. His partnership with Holiness Mlilo upfront gave the Gunners defenders a torrid time.

TAFIC would have found the second goal in the 53rd minute when Buka was again released from the middle but Ndoro came off his line and parried the ball back into play. In the 64th minute, Thaele's cross from a corner again found Boitshoko Zikhale who headed wide with the goalie the only man to beat. With 77 minutes into the match Zikhale was presented with another opportunity to bring Gunners level after a neat exchange within the goal area. He however sent his ball wide blowing any hopes of bringing the Peleng boys back into the match.

Buka would spoil his eventful day by earning himself a red card after a second bookable offence. TAFIC skipper Moswate would again squander another glorious opportunity when he failed to connect to Mlilo's cross from the right.