Glenlivet, Chivas top brandy brands


At a whiskey and brandy tasting session organised for media workers, the identities of the brandy brands were not disclosed until the end of the voting that saw the two brands coming first and second ahead of others.

Coordinated by South African-based Glenlivet National Brand Ambassador at Pernod Ricard Siyanda Mqulwana, the event gave the media personnel the opportunity to taste the different varieties of whiskies and brandies presented to them.

Before they could proceed to taste the whiskey Mqulwana explained the basics of whiskey tasting.  Mqulwana  also said the first thing to do before tasting whiskey is to look at its colour, then the aroma, the texture and the flavour as the whisky slowly titillates the taste buds.  Chivas Regal  (a Pernod Ricard brand) emerged the most liked followed by, Glenlivet, followed by Johnnie Walker Black and lastly Jack Daniel's.