Financially Wellness

Ask yourself: 'am I Financially Fit?' Not many of us know what that means. Does it mean that you can run a kilometre around the block?  Does that mean you can do 50 push ups? Perhaps it means your wallet can do 50 push-ups!  No - of course it doesn't.

linked to Financial Wellness -the absence of Financial Stress.Financial Fitness means understanding money and then doing the right things with your money. For example, when it comes to debts, you might ask yourself: Do I feel in control of my debts? Am I making the right decisions about which creditors to give priority to?  When you are looking at the future you might ask yourself: Am I saving money each month? Do I have an emergency fund?

Take the Financial Fitness TestThe Financial Fitness Test below is designed to get you to answer some questions which will make you think about where you are at today and where you want to be in the future. You then need to consider the path that you are going to take to get you from today to the day when you reach that future goal.

Be honest with yourself.The questions are simple - and there are no right or wrong answers - each answer you give is on a scale of 1 to 10. 

If you aren't honest you aren't going to see where you really are today. If you hide from yourself you're never going to get to that destination of a happy future where you financially free.

Are you in the Green, Orange or Red?Once you've completed the Fitness Test, you should add up your score from the 8 questions

 If you're in the orange or red, you need to make some changes, you need to think more about money, and seek some financial education to start you on the path to Financial Wellness.