Youthful Molemise walks away with P300 000 tractor


After more than a thousand people qualified to enter the competition in an attempt to take the tractor home, ten lucky people were selected who stood a chance of being crowned the overall winner in a draw.

From the ten chosen, luck seemed to be with Molemisi Kesetswe as he was  finally  announced the overall winner after his application was randomly picked by Gaborone deputy mayor Veronica Shawa, making Kesetswe the first winner of the farmer's dream competition.

Even though others did not win the 440 tractors and Agro master plough, they did not go home empty handed as they pocketed P1000 each.  Marketing communication agency of Engen, Mompati Maruapula told The Monitor that this competition has been running for one month and is scheduled to continue for another three months where customers stand a chance to win a tractor monthly or an LED television set weekly after spending a minimum of P100 on fuel at Engen fuel stations or just spending P50 in the Quick shops. He further confirmed that the tractor is worth P300 000 The winner, Kesetswe who could not hide his excitement upon being announced as the winner, told The Monitor that this is a dream come true as he has always wanted to own a tractor, 'I am a farmer and this prize is going to come in handy for all the projects I am currently doing. I love and enjoy ploughing so this tractor came at the right time,' he said.

He stated that he is always fills fuel at Engen stations but never in his life has he ever imagined that one day this will reward him in a big way.Guest of honour Showa, encouraged the young man to continue with his farming and not sell his tractor as it could benefit him in the long run, 'I would encourage Kesetswe to empower himself and continue with his farming as he will be an inspiration to other youth out there and will mostly thank and applause Engen Botswana for coming up with this initiative in an attempt to fight poverty eradication,' she said  The next draw will be held on the 8th of June in Francistown and will be followed by the other one in Serowe on the 6th of July where yet two lucky customers will be announced.