Molapise makes turnaround on retiring from active politics


In an interview with Mmegi last year Molapise had said that he would quit politics when his term as president ends this month (May). He had stated that at the age of 68, he could no longer afford the regime of taking part in active politics. However, according to insiders at the BPP, Molapise, one of the most influential members at the BPP, is said to be interested in contesting the council general elections next year.

Insiders at BPP have disclosed that the veteran politician, who once served as councillor for Boikhutso ward, is of the view that the party does not have a strong candidate to challenge Robert Mosweu of the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) for the ward. He served as Boikhutso ward councillor for a number of years before he lost the seat to Mosweu in the last general elections.

Sources claim that Molapise has already begun positioning himself for victory at the next general elections.When approached for comment, Molapisi did not dispute his change of mind. 'Yes, the thought of reneging on my decision to quit politics and contest the next general elections has crossed my mind after some party members approached me (to contest the next elections). 'I am still in negotiations with party members. If they strongly convince me to contest the elections, I will stand. I will make a decision soon because the elections date is inching closer,' he said.

However, those close to him are of the view that Molapise's statements were a public relations stunt as they said that he has already made up his mind to contest the elections.Molapise is not new to emerging out of retirement.A few years ago after stepping down as the BPP president, he was recalled to the position following the unexpected retirement of the then president Bernard Balikani who has since joined the ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP).Molapise is expected to step down as the BPP president at the party's one-day conference that will be held in Kalakamati village late this month. Kumbulani William and Lindilwa Maripe, the son of former BPP president and co-founder Dr Knight Maripe, are expected to lock horns in the battle for the party's leadership at the conference.