BISA turns to the north for boxing talent


Lechedzani Master Luza, the BISA national boxing coordinator, said the northern region has been neglected for a long time despite having many potential boxers with the right attributes.Speaking to Mmegi Sport after conducting a coaching clinic at Goldmine JSS over the weekend, Luza said young boxers in the area should be helped sharpen their boxing skills.

'We have got aspiring boxers in the north. They have shown passion in boxing and have got the potential of starting a career in the sport, while continuing with their studies,' said the former Olympian.He said the northern region has not been performing well at BISA national competitions. This is despite the fact that the aspiring boxers from the northern part of the country have a natural body structure of a boxer.

According to Luza, boxers should be physically fit. He said boxers should be taller and have a stronger mind such that they are not easily frightened when getting into a ring to fight.'And these are the attributes that many people from the north have. But the aspiring boxers from the north have not been doing well in terms of finding their way into the national teams,' said the BISA national coordinator.

He said the aspiring boxers are lacking the boxing technique. Luza took the blame on himself saying he and his association have not been paying particular attention at the northern region for talent identification.It is against this background that he organised a coaching clinic for teachers such that they can impart the technique with their students. Resources permitting, Luza said the coaching clinics will be held time and again in the north.

BISA northern region coordinator, Bugalo Philimon said his area will work hand and glove with the national association in nurturing future Olympic boxers for the country.'We will ensure that there are serious  boxers in all the schools in my jurisdiction,' said Philimon. He said the teachers should put the knowledge they acquired during the coaching clinic into a good use for the growth of boxing in the north.