BDC constructs classroom for disabled

But this came to an end on Saturday when the Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) gave the school a new state-of-the-art special education classroom worth P1.57 million.The single classroom block was specifically designed to accommodate the needs of the 51 children with pronounced disabilities at the school.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, the Assistant Minister of Trade and Industry, Keletso Rakhudu said that private companies should engage in charitable aspirations that will help those born with disabilities access education to augment the government's efforts of providing education for all.

'It is inherent for every child including those born with disabilities to attend a decent school and receive quality education. These young boys and girls need to be fully equipped with knowledge so that we are sure the future of this beautiful nation is built on solid and sound individuals. The involvement of private firms in providing an enabling learning environment for the disabled will help the government reach its efforts of providing education for all Batswana,' he said.

Rakhudu disclosed that apart from providing learning facilities for the disabled, government has implemented initiatives to improve the learning environment for those born with disabilities. 'There has been the introduction of the special education component in all teacher training programmes and special education teaching methodology is now part of the education and method courses in all colleges of education to create awareness,' he said.

He said the Education Ministry has introduced support teams and facilitated collaboration and partnership with other stakeholders such as the ministries of health and local government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) to enhance learning for children with pronounced disabilities.

'For example, while the Ministry of Education provides teachers and professional advice at primary school level, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development provide infrastructure, materials and equipment such as Braille machines. The Ministry of Health on the other hand provides appliances like wheelchairs, optical aids and hearing aids for use by disabled children,' he said.

The Tonota Primary School head, Maria Siyangaphi stated that the institution will give utmost care to the BDC donation. She pleaded with education authorities to provide equipment to the school as early as possible so that the facility does not become a white elephant.

The BDC board chairman, Blackie Marole appealed to the school authorities to take care of the new special education classroom block.