Privatisation shock at BCA


BCA has a refectory at its Lobatse site and two at the Gaborone campus.Speaking on condition of anonymity, the employees said that they were briefed about the privatisation exercise about four years ago, but since then, the school authorities never came back to them.

They were shocked when in February they were served letters informing them that the Ministry of Agriculture will outsource the facility to a private company. The employees, however, suspect there could be more than meets the eye, as they accuse some of the school authorities of being motivated by self serving interests.

They argue that they should have been given an opportunity to form a company/s to run the refectories but the plan didn't transpire because there was no one who briefed them on progress of the matter.'We were given the impression that our jobs are secure. We got ourselves into debts and made other financial commitments but now the school management is telling us that we will be retrenched within two months.

Apparently there is a company known to the management that is going to take over the refectories,' they said.When contacted for comment the Ministry of Agriculture public relations promised to investigate the matter.

Principal communication Officer Boikhutso Rabasha was in Kang whilst her subordinates said they would continue with the BCA enquiry. There was no response from both the parties at time of going to press on Tuesday evening.