MDC unveils transformation agenda

Addressing a mammoth rally in the high density suburb on May 19, Tsvangirai told supporters that the time has come for Zimbabweans 'to live decently in their country after almost 30 years of abject poverty and ridicule' under ZANU-PF misrule.'After you voted 'yes' to the constitutional referendum, we have been busy working behind closed doors to craft an agenda to deliver you the people of Zimbabwe into a new era of prosperity when we get into power after the forthcoming elections.  We came up with an agenda for real transformation which has several pillars that will turnaround the current socio-economic status of our people,' he said.  MDC Secretary General Tendai Biti introduced the main items of the agenda.

'The first item in the agenda is good governance and rule of law in Zimbabwe. The second item is ridding the country of corruption, thirdly is an end to violence, and fourth is addressing macro-economic issues. The fifth item addresses job creation whilst the sixth item addresses infrastructure overhaul. The seventh item deals with food security whilst the eighth item covers social services. The ninth item covers the controversial defence and security services,' announced Biti. After greeting the multitudes with the party's slogan: 'Chinja ! - Maitiro ! Maitiro! - Chinja!' - Tsvangirai received a thunderous applause from the crowd who responded to the slogan 'Chinja! - Maitiro! - Chinja! - Dhii! ku State House!'  Tsvangirai said his government would pursue good governance and have a democratic servant leadership style and not a dictatorial style of leadership.

'Firstly, I want to let you know that I do not want to rule but to lead after listening to what the people want me to do. My style is the servant leadership style. The people should not fear my leadership, nor should they be afraid of their government, there will be rule of law where everybody's rights are respected,' he said.

'Secondly we want the economy to primarily focus on job creation, we want to attract investors to come here and open new companies, the world economy today is preaching investment in Africa so we do not want to miss the chance by letting them go elsewhere,' said Tsavangirai.  He added that new companies would create the much-needed employment for the thousands of youths roaming the streets.  Although the Zimbabwean economy is agro-based, peasant farmers cannot drive the economy, hence the need to invite more investors to create new jobs.

'We are going to revisit the indigenisation law in order to ensure every citizen benefits from the resources in the country, everyone must be able to identify with a resource he or she has enjoyed and not the present scenario whereby a few individuals enjoy everything.'We cannot allow a situation where one minister and his relatives and friends enjoy indigenisation benefits,' he said. The entire infrastructure, including roads, power, communications and railways, needs a complete overhaul. 'Our infrastructure has been neglected for more than 30 years now.What was put up by the colonial government has never received a facelift, things are falling apart, the infrastructure requires massive investment to the tune of $US14,5 billion to put it back to international standards,' he said.  The next pillar is national healing.  'Many people have been affected by politics in different situations since the formation of the MDC in 1999. Many lost their lives whilst some were injured or maimed permanently. Others lost their homes because of political violence in the country.

We do not want retributions in Zimbabwe, there shall be a truth commission where those who committed such heinous crimes will go and confess their deeds. The truth shall set you free,' he said. The new government would fight all forms of corruption while social services shall be available in a transparent manner. 'All the people with physical disabilities, orphaned children due to HIV/AIDS and the aged shall receive protection through the social safety nets which will be created, children will also receive free health and free education in primary schools,' he stated.  His government would fully support devolution because it does not alienate some sections of the country.(SPA)