Plot to oust Kumar thickens?

In fact, the coach's job is not safe and nothing can be guaranteed if he does not turn the team's woeful form in the last three games of the ongoing Mascom Men's Volleyball League 2013's first round, sources said.Informed sources within the prison wardens dominated side said the Prisons VI camp is deeply divided with players calling for the sacking of Kumar three months into his coaching job at the white and green striped outfit.Kumar joined the Prisons VI at the beginning of the season around March. The nomadic coach was brought in to change the club's fortunes.

However, reports are that players are making his job difficult. It is said players are not happy with his training schedules and guidance on the courts.'His tactics are outdated,' said one player, who requested anonymity in fear of victimisation. The anonymous player said the coach's 'outdated strategies' have resulted in them losing some of the games they were meant to easily win.The source added that players are planning to petition the management. In the petition, the source said the players would state their displeasure about the coach and demand that Kumar be sacked as a mentor.

'Kumar does not have the qualities of the quality coach. He lacks vibrancy and the aptitude to think outside the box when the going gets tough,' said another player, who also requested to remain anonymous.Contacted for a comment, team manager at Prisons VI Dingane Moatswi professed ignorance about players' thickening plot to oust Kumar. Moatswi said the thickening plot could be a resultant of outside forces.In the volleyball fraternity, Moatswi said there are such people who would prompt players to revolt against their coaches in response to fear exerted on them by a certain team. He said Prisons VI has been threatening a number of teams, hence the development. Moatswi has vowed to weather the storm sweeping at the wardens including the shadowy plot to oust Kumar from his post as head coach. The team manager sang praise songs about Kumar.

'All the teams he coached are successful teams now,' said Moatswi. He said Prisons VI is playing better volleyball when compared to their play in the previous campaigns.Prisons VI captain George Nzala would not be drawn into commenting and referred all the enquiries to the management.Meanwhile, Prisons VI are expected to clash against a wounded Police VI side at the Otse courts in an encounter that has got the potential to produce plenty of fireworks.