Francistown schools celebrate excellence

 The schools celebrated the day under the theme:  'Stakeholder Participation in Education - A Key Component in Motivating Learners and the Workforce'.  The awards ceremony was held at Tatitown Primary School where the manager of geotechnical section at Tati Nickel, Puso Akanyang was the guest speaker.  Francistown West MP Tshelang Masisi and Tatitown councillor Stanley Masalila graced the ceremony.Students, teachers, non-academic staff and schools management from primary, junior secondary and senior secondary schools received awards.The prize for best position for Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) went to Tatitown Primary School while Mmei took the top honours in the junior secondary school category.

Mater Spei College beat Francistown Senior Secondary School to scoop first position in the senior secondary contest. Sonny Kabo from Tatitown Primary School took the best overall student prize in PSLE while Nonofo Maikano of Setlalekgosi Junior Secondary School was tops in the Junior Certificate Examinations.Tatitown Primary School has been the best performing in the region for the past three years.

When welcoming guests, the school head Sandra Magole said she is honoured because her school has been attaining over 90 percent pass mark for the past five years in PSLE.  'This excellence awards started in 2010.That year, my school scored 94.1 percent, 96 percent in 2011 and last year it scored 96.2 percent,' she said.She explained that the school is doing well because of teamwork, parental involvement, stakeholder participation and strengthened supervision and monitoring. 'There are also some workable measures that are in place which help us to still continue to excel academically.  The role played by our councillor (Stanley Masalila) and the school's Parents Teachers Association (PTA) helped us achieve these excellent results,' she said.

She said that the spirit of participation they instill in the parents was a great value to them, not forgetting the support from the Francistown City Council.  'It will be a mistake if I cannot thank Tatitown school staff for the support you gave me in making sure that the children's education is met.Though we had some challenges here and there I thank you that we managed to change them into opportunities,' said Magole.