Committee not happy with BFA over points award to Eagles

Eagles had 12 points deducted from them for failure to pay a P2, 000 fine for violence in their two first round matches in Mathangwane against Peace Lovers and Tonota-based outfit, Blue Birds. The club did not pay the fine within the stipulated 14 days.

They were however awarded back their points last week after they appealed their case to the BFA DC. In their appeal to the DC, Eagles argued that the league committee did not have the powers to deliberate on their matter as it involved violence.

The club also said that there was conflict of interest because some of the Division One clubs officials who deliberated on the Eagles case were also running the league. In one of their cases, Eagles say they were not offered a proper hearing.

However the league committee does not share the Eagles version. According to the league committee, Eagles were given 10 days to appeal their case but only appealed their case after 10 days.  The league committee is also of the view that the club was not charged with violence, but misconduct, which means that they (league committee) have the right to hear the case. 'No one from the clubs in contention for a play-off spot did take part at the Eagles hearing,' an insider from the league committee said. The BFA DC however chose to go with the version of Eagles FC.

According to sources within the league committee some members are already lobbying other Division One clubs to call for the dissolution of the league by the BFA.'The league committee is of the view that the league be dissolved, but all reasons for that will be relayed to the media at a press briefing. A sizeable number of clubs already support the league committee,' the insider said.

A press briefing will be held tomorrow (today) where the media will be informed about the league committee's position, was Division One league committee secretary, Golebemang Ngwako's response yesterday.The BFA DC's Chepete Chepete said: 'We believe that in one of their cases Eagles were not offered a proper hearing. They were called for a hearing before being charged, which is not appropriate.

'They were also not given the opportunity to bring witnesses at that case. Of course Eagles raised the issue of conflict of interest among some league committee members but it is not the main issue that nullified the case.'He also advised that the league committee could appeal to BFA National Appeals Board if they are not happy with the BFA DC's decision.