Strong U-21 netball team face SA, Malawi test

The Botswana side is attending the four-day tournament at the invitation of South Africans who are preparing for the 2013 World Youth Championships.The 16 person squad has some fine players in the likes of Notwane shooter Tumisang Bagidi, BDF Cats's duo of defender Ntebogang Motlakaloso and shooter Hildah Binang and Jungle Queens' defender Gosego Tsele, who also plays for the senior team. It has been in camp since May 7.

Coach Oreeditse Marakakgoro said such tournaments help them expose Batswana players to the international stage. She said while they would be looking forward to winning the tournament, they would also be hoping to learn critical lessons.

'As we interact with coaches from other counties we hope to learn from each one of them how to improve the Botswana game,' she told Mmegi Sport.Marakakgoro said both Malawi and South Africa are tough nuts to crack, but they have prepared well enough to give them a good run for their money.Players who also ply their trade in the senior national team will use the event to prepare for the senior sides' competition next month.

Botswana Netball Association (BONA) spokesperson Kelebogile Maplanka said such tournaments were a welcome development as they foster sound relationships among southern African states.'We believe that despite the short time for preparations, the team will learn a lot from this competition,' she said in a statement. The tournament is also expected to help the youngsters prepare for the COSANA Under-21 competition scheduled for Zimbabwe at the end of this year.

Other team members are: Oratile Ramorathodi, Amanda Lucas, Dimpho Kgosimore, Ntebogang Motlakaloso, Natasha Maripe, Kgalalelo Paledi, Kefilwe Bakwinja, Tumisang Bagidi, Tshoganetso Motate, Amantle Gaofiwe, Monica Kalakae, Sefemo Koitsiwe, Maegaret Banda, Gosego Tsele, Hildah Binang, Kgabidi Banda, Margaret Banda, and Gosego Tsele.Umpire Freedom Diraditsile is accompanying the team.