Mother accused of killing own child

The state alleges that Sephaeya Masekamela murdered her child, Onneile Radipitse, in Tonota on May 29, 2012. Masekamela was initially charged alongside Mareledi Ramojadife whom the state prosecutor, Boikhutso Sekadima, told the court is now deceased.

Sekadima told Magistrate Mpho Molema that the prosecution is still waiting for the results of exhibits that were sent to the laboratory for forensic analysis. He applied for another mention date to be set.The soft-spoken Masekamela was apparently overwhelmed by appearing in court when she broke down and wept. Thankfully, her relatives were on hand to offer support. She will appear again on July 4.

Meanwhile, a 24-year old man - who is also of Tonota - appeared in the same court for a similar charge.  Rapoo Bitsang of Tonota is alleged to have killed his own child Ramosesane Bitsang between October 2011 and November 2012.Prosecutor Paul Chaluza told Magistrate Molema that they have engaged police in Zimbabwe where Bitsang has relatives to help locate the child.

Rapoo, who walks with the aid of crutches, pleaded for bail, saying he has been languishing in jail for a long time.He told the court that he is not coping in prison because of injuries he allegedly sustained after being beaten by the police after they arrested him for the disappearance of his child.

He said his incarceration is economically disadvantaging him because people are stealing his livestock and property in Tonota.Magistrate Molema told Chaluza to tell prison authorities to help his client apply at the High Court since the magistrate court had denied him bail before.Both Bitsang and Masekamela appeared in person.