Venson-Moitoi stunned by Borolong Primary School overcrowding


Tshokolo said the high number of learners has proven to be a challenge, and seven classes are currently taught under trees. 'All classrooms in the school are occupied but with the overcrowding that the school is experiencing, they cannot cater for all of them, ' she said.

A visibly worried Venson-Moitoi interjected to ask as to why the school has so many enrolled learners. 'Heela ele gore ke eng o amogetse bana ba kanakana, ga o itse palo e sekolo se tshwanetseng goe tsaya (Heela, why have you enrolled so many pupils. Don't you know the number of pupils you are supposed to enroll)?' she asked.

Tshokolo responded that the primary school is the only one in the village. 'Parents have pleaded with us to take in their children because they reside in this village,' she said. Tshokolo pointed out the fast growing population of the village is the cause of the problem. 

However, Venson-Moitoi was not moved as she lectured the head teacher that the number of pupils in her school should be 800. 'There is a policy and when the situation is out of control, it has to be followed up. 'This school is overcrowded, please report this matter to council. I will also deal with at the ministry,' she said. Venson-Moitoi further said they currently don't have enough funds to construct additional classrooms or build another school.

Venson-Moitoi told the head teacher to compile a profile for each pupil so that they can establish where their parents reside and work so that they can work on reducing the 'unacceptable' high numbers.  She assertively requested that the head teacher completes the profiles by June so that they establish which parents work in Francistown, to ask them to transfer them to schools there.

'This is beyond control of teachers. Tomorrow when these children fail, teachers will be blamed for the poor results. It is time parents are told about this situation and encouraged to transfer their children to other schools.

'This is a primary school and not a pre-school where there are babysitting services while parents knock-off to collect their children,' she explained. Venson-Moitoi further said there should be a notice to parents in good time that the 2014 enrollment will only absorb the required number of learners and not any more.

'A normal class should have 35-40 pupils and you should not exceed that,' she emphasised. A teacher at the school, Kagiso Samoila said that the situation has affected teachers as one of their colleagues was hospitalised and is currently on sick leave following an illness caused by prolonged exposure to the cold from teaching under a tree.

Teachers at the school recently boycotted lessons due to the situation complaining that pupils did not concentrate due to the harsh weather, when classes are held outside.