Robbers blast Sefalana Wholesalers and steal cash

Selebi-Phikwe Police Station commander, Nlebesi explained that the robbers blasted three cash boxes using explosives and got away with the undisclosed but 'huge sum of money'. 'We are not sure about the number of robbers who committed the offence because we have not arrested anybody in connection with the offence. 'I cannot disclose the amount of cash that has been stolen due to security reasons. 

'The explosives made massive damage to the cash boxes and also destroyed some cheques and sim cards that were kept inside the cash boxes,' he said.He also noted that the blast damaged the walls of the building. Nlebesi pleaded with members of the public to assist the police with any information that might lead to the arrest of the perpetrators.

He said that he cannot deny or confirm if the criminals were injured during the incident but if someone is seen with injury that they cannot account for, such information should be passed to the police or if someone is seen with a lot of money especially when they are unemployed, such a person should be reported to the police.The police boss also advised the business community to improve security in their businesses especially if they handle a lot of cash. He stated that businesses should also avoid leaving money on the premises at the end of the day but instead, engage security companies who can bank the money for them. Nlebesi said those with security cameras must always make sure that they are in good working condition.

He further observed that it seems like the trend of blasting cash boxes is on the rise across the country.Meanwhile A 28-year old man has been arrested in connection with the recent murder of a 79-year old woman of Mmadinare village. Nlebesi told Mmegi that the accused has already appeared before the magistrate court and is currently remanded at Selebi-Phikwe Prison.

He explained that the deceased was discovered by relatives in a pool of blood in her house and was certified dead upon arrival at Mmadinare Primary Hospital. He said that the relatives have informed the police that the suspect is mentally unstable and that he is related to the deceased. Nlebesi stated that as procedure dictates, arrangements have been made to have the accused taken for examination at the hospital.