Letlhafula: A befitting festival for Batswana


Letlhafula, which is in its 13th year running, has been so successful that each year it has both Batswana and non-Batswana eagerly anticipating it. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, the Managing Director of Botswanacraft Oliver Groth said Letlhafula is a festival made by Batswana for Batswana.  Groth said he is impressed by Batswana's continuous support of Letlhafula throughout the years.

He said: 'It is amazing to see Batswana come to enjoy their food and even bring their kids along to share their experience.' Groth added that through Letlhafula, they see that there really is  a demand for traditional Setswana food.  He further said this demand is not limited to Letlhafula since their restaurant at Botswanacraft serves traditional food and still sees a lot of customers.

Furthermore Botswanacraft Restaurant and Events Manager, Kabelo Nkhwa said over the years they have tried to make Letlhafula more appealing by introducing a new dish every year.She said they have experimented with dishes such as Tswii and Dithogo and this year they might just try Maleme.Nkhwa also announced that there will be about 25-28 dishes for this year's Letlhafula.

This year's Letlhafula will be held at Botswanacraft under the theme, Letlepu Tsina Ya Letlhafula, Re Ja Re Ikgora Menwana.  Tickets are sold in advance and cost P250 for adults and P100 for children under 12 years.