Govt announces new wage rates
Baboki Kayawe
Staff Writer
| Wednesday May 22, 2013 00:00
However, agriculture industries, which are rated monthly, have been excluded. The following industries saw an increment from P4.20 per hour to P4.50: Building, Construction, Exploration and Quarry, Wholesale Distributive Trade, Manufacturing, Service and Repair Trades, Hotel, Catering and Entertainment Trades, Garage and Motor Trade and Road Transport.
Retail Distributive Trade moved from the 2012/2013 minimum wage rate of P3.70 to P4.00 while watchmen employed in the above industries and trades or any sector thereof stand at P3.80 per hour currently from the past period's (2012/2013) P3.50. Security guards employed by security companies have moved from P4.20 per hour to P4.50 while the domestic service sector remains at the bottom. The sector saw a move from last year's P2.20 to P2.50 currently.
The new rates come into effect on June 1. According to the adjustments published in the Government Gazette, the agricultural sector registered an increment of P55.00 to P500 per month.
The Acting Deputy Commissioner of Labour and Social Security, Goitseone Kokorwe, has cautioned all employers in the specified industries to ensure that they do not pay employees below the stipulated new wage rates.Failure to do so by employers will invite a penalty in terms of Section 151 (d) of the Employment Act which states that offenders shall be liable to a fine not exceeding P2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 18 months or both.